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The Frames of 2014

Added on by Joshua Sinn.

Well, tonight at midnight marks the end of 2014 and like pretty much every photographer on the internet, I must make a blog post to look back on the work I produced. This year was a good one though. Started shooting weddings, had work up in three shows, FINALLY took a portrait of John Waters, surpassed 1 million and 2 million views on Flickr, went back to NY with Natalie (a lot), got my face in Baltimore Magazine and The Baltimore Sun's Darkroom thanks to Patrick Joust, documented the Mike Brown and Eric Garner marches, started shooting freelance for City Paper, put out two issues of Cadillac Ranch Dressing with one currently in the works, finally joined the Leica posse, pushed myself to photograph people more, met so many incredible people in the process, and created a lot of work that I'm really proud of.

So here it is: my 2014 in photos. It's kinda in order.


There it is. I'll see ya in 2015!