Filtering by Tag: freddie gray

No Justice For Freddie Gray

Added on by Joshua Sinn.

What can I honestly say?

I wrote out some long unbiased and journalistic portrayal of how the events of yesterday went, but I'd rather just put the images out to share my feelings and experience. I'm not too good with words, at least right now, so I'll talk through the photos.

All I can say is I wish there was justice for Freddie Gray and everyone like him.

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A Year Since

Added on by Joshua Sinn.

As it approaches closer to the one year anniversary of the death of Freddie Gray, Baltimore, and the nation as a whole, reflects on what has changed since and the resounding answer is: not much. More than one hundred protesters marched through the streets of West Baltimore, chanting for police reform and respect towards the public they serve. Passing through Sandtown-Winchester, the neighborhood that has come to represent the struggles many in Baltimore face, the marchers vowed to continue to fight for those who have been killed by police including Gray, Tyrone West, and Sandra Bland.

Baltimore Marches for Freddie Gray

Added on by Joshua Sinn.

Rallying against the Baltimore Police Department's brutality, thousand of protesters flooded the streets of Baltimore for a massive march beginning at the Gilmore Homes and ending downtown at City Hall. This past week saw daily protests at the Western District police station in response to the death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old man who suffered a severe spinal cord injury while in police custody. Friends, family, and supporters of Gray joined together and marched without incident past the station and down Pennsylvania Avenue, making their way to City Hall where hundreds of other protesters where there to meet them.

As many people around the world already know, the scene turned tense downtown when a few individuals with ulterior motives damaged police cars and other property. The response of Baltimore police didn't help the situation, as officers donning riot gear stormed the area, pushing, shoving, and even macing some the peaceful protesters who were still there.

On the other side of town, back at the Western District, a formation of a few dozen officers holding batons and shields faced off with a small group a block away from the station. A few individuals threw rocks at the officers in line, who made an effort to move forward. During the commotion, Reuters photographer Sait Serkan Gurbuz was arrested and City Paper Photo Editor Joe Giordano was tackled to the ground by officers.

Monday marks a new and hopefully peaceful week in Baltimore as well as Freddie Gray's funeral. The service will take place at New Shiloh Baptist Church at 11AM, with a public hour at 10. Gray's body will be laid to rest at Woodlawn Cemetery following the service.


The Fight for Freddie Gray

Added on by Joshua Sinn.

As the six officers involved in the arrest and death of Freddie Gray remain suspended with pay, the people of Baltimore refuse to let the police continue their ways. Wednesday evening, the Western District police station resembled a military bunker, with police closing access to the streets surrounding the building. Officers lined the barricades like troops prepared for war. That didn't stop protesters from being heard loud and clear.


Thursday was no different. After a large gathering at City Hall, protesters took to the streets downtown, bringing the fight to the other side of town so no one could possibly ignore the situation. Marching back to the Western District station, the group confronted officers and continuously asked for answers with absolutely no response from police.


Thousands are projected to gather today, Saturday April 25th, to bring the fight down to City Hall.

Justice for Freddie

Added on by Joshua Sinn.

Angered and hurt, hundreds of marchers gathered at the spot Freddie Gray was brutally arrested in West Baltimore on Tuesday to rally for justice. Friends, family, and supporters of Gray made their way to the Western District Police Station, chanting for the officers involved to be brought to justice. Six Baltimore police officers have been suspended with pay, but charges have not been filed. As the investigation continues, so will the community of Baltimore in it's fight against police brutality.


The Nation Watches Baltimore

Added on by Joshua Sinn.

Of what seems like a sea of cases of police brutality, the eyes of the nation now bring their attention to Baltimore. Freddie Gray, 25, was arrested last week by Baltimore police officers and suffered a severed spinal cord while in custody, being transported in a BPD van. On Sunday, Gray died from his injuries. While Baltimore citizens marched early Monday morning, community members gathered at the Baltimore Police Western District station later that day to remember Gray and communicate their sorrow, anger, and fear over the police's relationship with the citizens they're entrusted to serve.
