Filtering by Tag: john waters



Added on by Joshua Sinn.

Hampdenfest, a local Baltimore festival celebrating all that is interesting in the Hampden neighborhood, nearly didn't happen this year. Due to everything going on for Baltimore's Sailabration, which was happening the weekend of the originally-scheduled Hampdenfest, the city felt it couldn't hold both. Some hard-working and determined organizers made sure 2014 saw Hampdenfest and I'm sure glad they did.

I only made there towards the end of the day, but it was well worth it!

Big Mouth

Big Mouth

Big Mouth... ICED!

Big Mouth... ICED!

Tim Castlen on that Portra 160 kick.

Tim Castlen on that Portra 160 kick.

The one and only... Mr. John Waters.

The one and only... Mr. John Waters.

Future Islands

Future Islands

Future Islands

Future Islands